Aren't we just cute? Sticker pictures- gotta love 'em.

Since I left my first host home I've barely seen Myung-hae and Hyung-kyung. I was still in their class during school in December, but I rarely went to school then because finals were over so there was nothing going on at school and I was too stressed to think about anything other than my college applications. Then during break they've had academies and I've just been doing a lot with church. Plus the bus to Suseo only comes about every twenty minutes. But finally on January 17th we got together. First we ate Samgyipsal (sp?). It's barbequed pork that you put on lettuce with anything else you want with it, especially garlic cloves. Then we bought tickets to "The King's Man" (that's the English translation). Before going to the movie we took these pictures. The sisters wrote on them, because they have fun doing it, and I haven't mastered what it says on the controls yet, so I always push the button to finish too early. After pictures was the movie. It's by far the most popular movie in Korea right now and no one has anything bad to say about it. Maybe I'll try to find a review that's written in English to explain it. I didn't see it with English subtitles, so I could follow the basic plot, but I missed a lot. After the movie we went to a luxery noraebang (singing room). I don't know if I've ever described these places well enough. They aren't karaoke bars. This one had a fancy couch and chairs, a table, two microphones, a coat rack, two books to look up your favorite songs, two remotes, and a big screen tv for the words and a music video that doesn't correspond with the song you are singing most of the time. Torie and I are still singing English songs which is really depressing and I'm determined to learn the words to a korean song before I go to a noraebang again. The girls sang Korean songs though, and I'd try to read the words to go along or just dance. We sang Barbie girl and it's my life together though, because those are 'classics'. We got icecream at the end, walked through Sincheon (which was where we spent our day, but it changes a little at night. ) Guys who worked at clubs would try to get us to go to dance clubs by handing out flyers, but Torie would say "I don't have Korean" making people realize that she truely knows very little about Korean, but a lot about how to get people to stop bothering you. Then we went our seperate ways on buses home.
I'm meeting with my sister again at my old house on February 7. That's when my school starts again. I'm not sure if it is only one day for graduation, or if it really starts again. People had me thinking that it wouldn't be until March. Oh well, I guess I'll find out.
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