
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I really need to start taking more pictures. There are some things that just need to be remembered. And there are people who I would like to post pictures of and talk about. Truthfully though, I wish that I could be doing all of this typing in Korean or at least speaking Korean more, but it takes so much concentration and my body is working to hard physically to do all that concentrating mentally.
In Minnesota I was usually physically inactive in the past year. My exercise was working in our farmer's market size vegetable garden, but here I have Tae Kwan Do six days a week and on Sunday I climbed our "mountain" to the top. It is actually a very small mountain, like the size of a large hill, but it has amazing hiking paths and it worked my legs very hard. Also, everywhere I go I am walking and climbing and decending stairs from class to class. The point I am getting to is that today in phy-ed (gym class) we ran a 50 meter dash for presidential standards tests, but as I was running my thigh muscles got so tight that I had to sit down and massage my legs for about half an hour, because I could barely walk. My gym teacher took me to the nurse after class and she gave me a muscle relaxant to help the pain. I've been stretching often, but I guess I'll have to do it about three times a day and make sure that I get all the muscles. Today I took the day off from Tae Kwan Do.
Tonight I have to study my Korean and maybe some Japanese. I also need to stretch and generally just rest. I haven't written for awhile, but on Saturday the Grand Master took Torie and I to the world Tae Kwan Do headquarters. I can not remember the name of it, but it is the only gym in the whole world where one can become a grand master, and we were there to watch the 6 dun testing. After recieving a black belt it takes 4 dun to become a master and 6 dun to become a grand master. We watched about 200 masters testing to move to the level of Grand Master. Our Grand Master said that only about 50 of them would actually pass.
It was a very interesting and surreal day.


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Guambat Stew said...

Hi. Just blog hopping and found yours. My daughter is in Japan. First time up in Hokkaido when she was about 19 and found it really rough at first. She came back, finished uni, then went back up for more. Been there 2 years. Will come home soon for more uni. My son went off to China also about 19. Lasted 6 months then his girlfriend went up and lured him back home. Both kids were far and away better for the experience. You will survive too and be a much stronger and wise person for it. Hang in there. You can do it.

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At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Just thought I'd stop by and say hi. Sounds like your having fun, cool. Tae Kwan Do! thats awesome. Wish I could learn that. Well take care -Me

At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is just your brother it sounds like you are having fun. School is going great on my end next this week I am starting Algebra II. I'm already taking Geometry so, I'm going to be taking two math classes.:P

Seminars start next week: two classes with Tommy, One art class with Sarah, a composition class with Scott, and a few other classes I'm not sure I'm going to continue to take I'll email you soon.

Love me,
Thats an order :D

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