
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Okay, I know that this picture is really creepy, but I posted it for two reasons. 1. Koreans have dark brown eyes and usually no fold in their eyelids. I am always being told that my eyes are so beautiful because they are so big and lighter colored. The most common graduation gift for a Korean girl is plastic surgery for her eyes so that they will look more like those of westerners. This makes me sad. I wish that everyone could just find beauty in themselves and not always wish to look different. I truely believe that the inside is what counts and feel terrible when people can't look past my outside. I like to be told that I am beautiful for my actions rather than my appearence. 2. When I post things on my blog there are many things that I overlook as part of my everyday life. I usually only tell you about extraordinary events. Please send me comments asking about little things in my life and I will try to find the time to write about them. To the people who have already given me writing suggestions that I haven't acted on, please be patient. I forgot about them for awhile and am just now finding time to start writing again. I will answer them first. Posted by Picasa


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