And this, I know that you see them in the opposite order that I posted them, but oh well. This is Olympic Park. The flags are really cool. Torie and I walked around while we were waiting for a Rotary meeting to finish. They were inaugarating all of the new commitee leaders and governors and such. Torie and I went to tell them a little about our experience, because many of the new chairmen would be involved in youth activities for Rotary, like the international exchange program, Interact, Rotaract and this thing for middle schoolers called Littleact. We were told that after we spoke, we could leave until dinner. The event was held at the hotel seen on the left side of the picture, so we walked around the park for about two hours talking and just enjoying. The weather was gorgeous and it's amazing to think that the Olympics were held there 18 years ago. At the Rotary meeting we also met some pretty cool people. The conversation was mostly in Korea and at dinner time I was really tired, but I could speak a little and understand a little more.
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