
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

1. 인사동 (Insadong). A place in Northern Seoul where you can find many foriegners. It reminds me of a mix between an arts festival and a tourist quarters.

2. My cell phone. Yes, it's in color. It has a camera and it connects to the radio. The outside is baby blue.

3. My mom's friends. We went to Insadong to see the woman who is down on one knee's art. The art behind us is her creation and this is the first time she's ever had an exhibit.

4. (Left to right) Hyung-Kyung, Torie's host sister, and Myung-hae "Meikei", my sister at McDonald's. We were eating chocolate Oreo McFlurries at the COEX mall.

5. Yes, that's me in my school uniform. There's even a business style jacket for the winter.


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look so flippin' cute in that little uniform of yours. I really hope that you are as happy as you sound and keeping life's stresses to a minimum. I love you much and I keep trying to catch you on messenger but you are never on. I guess I will just read your blog instead.

I love you, love you, love you

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute uniform. Great job on the Blog! It's great seeing you and hearing about your adventures. Have a great week! Fall starts hear on Thursday.

At 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jaime is right you are pretty cute in your lil old uniform!!!
Hope you are having lots of fun oh and i was unable to get out to your house last sunday (FALL FESTIVAL) even thought Fall did not start till the 22nd.
SORRY will do next time


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