
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Are you wondering what I've been up to the past week? Most of you, probably yes, but for some of you I have this terrible habit of logging on to Messenger every time I go onto the internet so you hear from me quite often. In all truth I should probably stop doing that or at least appear offline. Truthfully I do talk with people from Korea on messenger too and that saves a lot on my cell phone bill, because otherwise text messaging to figure out plans costs three cents a text. Anyway, so my life lately...

Since last Tuesday I haven't been going to school. No, I'm not skipping, I was told that I shouldn't come to school because the other students are taking their final exams and since I don't have final exams I would just be interrupting. So this week I have spent most of my time divided between hanging out with friends, especially a friend who is moving back to the United States on Wednesday, and working on the computer to write college admissions essays, work on the applications and contact people in the United States who I need to help me finish the application process. This week feels like I am hectically not accomplishing anything. Oh yeah, I've also tried to find time to study Korean this week, but somehow my plans outside of the house are just scheduled at the worst times of day and while I am on the computer I loose all time management skills.

I actually made a schedule for my Korean Language studies. This is what I SHOULD be doing each day...

Complete 1/2 Chapter in Seoul National University of Education Text and Practice books
Wrtie in Korean Journal (it doesn't matter if spelling and grammar are correct)
Read 20 of Korean out loud (to practice pronounciation)
At least 20 minutes of Korean Conversation (it can be spread throughout the day)
Use planner that you want to be writing Korean in as a planner

That is what I should be doing, but I keep getting lazy/busy and lost in the English world. Even my Korean friends from school speak English with me for the most part.

I have to go meet someone. I'm very excited for tonight though, because there is this little girl who I can go talk to by watching my sister's Tae Kwon Do practice. She wants to practice her English Conversation by me speaking in Korean and her speaking in English and then we'll correct each other if we say something wrong or help the other figure out words. I'm not tutoring her for money because she's also helping me with my Korean, but she's really cute and I want to act more like an older sister to her. I don't want to forget about my new host brother and sister while I'm doing it though.


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