
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated you. You're probably even more curious about what is going on in my life since it is almost Christmas. Well to say the least I'm busy. Not only is it almost Christmas, but that means that the application deadline for colleges is quickly approaching. I'm applying early decision II to Macalaster, so the app is due on Jan 3. I have two essays that I need to complete, but are only in their beginning stages. Because of this and because since final exams are over and no one is actually doing anything at school, I stayed home on Tuesday and Wednesday to work on my essays. Please pray for me that I will be able to convey my thoughts and experiences through two well written essays that truely tell who I am, what I have done, and how I feel.
There is so much more to talk about, but it's 11:30pm and I have to be up at 6:30 tomorrow morning for school. I'll try to write very brief updates during the next week and as soon as I send in my applications I'll spill my heart out for you. Since I am going to bed I would like to say sweet dreams. And a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to everyone. I pray that you don't get caught up in the whole commercialism aspect of Christmas, but focus on family and love at this time of year. Even on this side of the world I can feel how much I am loved by both my biological family and my good friends at home. Also I have my host families, friends and church family over here.
Today we celebrated one of my really young host cousin's birthday with my host mom's whole immediate family. She has five siblings. This felt like Christmas.


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