
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

These are some of the old pictures that grandpa took while he was here. I didn't seperate them, so a couple are sideways. The top left hand corner of the first one (it's sideways) is his dorms. All the trucks were parked at the college, the bottom left corner was a buddest funeral procession and the bottom right points directly to his dorm.

Pictures of the todays main building at Ewah University. At this time it was unusable after being hit by an airbomb.

The left is Korea University. That is where my host brother goes to college, but now there are many more buildings.

The right is my grandpa in 1952. Posted by Picasa


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