
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sometimes I hate technology

I just lost two hours of blogging because of a simple click on the mouse, so you get to learn about the sad part of being away from home. This is an email I just sent to my daddy. I don’t think he will mind that I’m posting it. It may be a couple days before I retype everything else.

Daddy-If you don't send me anything else, can you please send me my Red House Painters "Ocean Beach" cd. It is just a blus burned cd. Even if you could send it seperate in a faster package, I really need it. Thats the one cd that I can listen to anytime, it really doesn't matter, but my favorite time to listen is when I am sad. Today I spent two hours typing my blog. I wrote absolutely everything that I did over the Chuseok holiday. Then my sister sat on my computer and I think she changed the site to look at my blog wihout saving what I had written. I didn't know, then I came to my computer to finish typing after dinner and everything was gone. I had to cry and now I can't stop. Its only the second time I've cried since I've been here and both times were sparked by technology difficulties. Its not completely homesickness, it's realizing that I spent so much time doing something and then it just disappears. Right now I'm listening to Bright Eyes which is also really good, but its not quite my Red House Painters. The biggest problem is that the cd isn't for sale at the i-tunes store and I don't know where else I can download songs directly onto my computer. I'll rewrite almost the same thing that I wrote before, because I really want everyone to know what Chuseok is like, but right now I'm just not up for the task. I'll try to post some pictures, but other than that I'm going to do handwritten journal and read "Invisible Man" in English, because after losing all of that I don't think I can take anything else right now. Especially with technology. By the way, Bright Eyes is helping alot. I love you. By the way, everything else is going pretty good, I was just really excited about finally updating my blog and then finding out that the two hours that I didn't have time for were wasted. Tomorrow I have dinner with Mia to celebrate my birthday and the fact that we are now both in Korea and on Friday there is an International Festival with all kinds of cultures and foods in Itaewon. There is no way that I am not going to that. You can read about it at Korea.net. Again I love you and I'm also going to ask Erik to burn a bunch of cds for me if he ever reads my emails. They don't need to be sent with Red House Painters though.-Your favorite middle child,Kimberly Ann DeLanghe (Kimmy)


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