
So, last year I told everyone, "I'm going to be an exchange student in South Korea for my senior year of high school." Sure that's what I said, but I didn't really believe my own words. So here I am in South Korea and this is my life.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Merry Christmas Schedule.....

First of all I just want to say that God is an Awesome God! He gave me the most amazing Christmas I could have ever dreamed of. Right now a tear is rolling down my face because I just got off the phone with Erik after not hearing his voice for four months. That in itself would have been enough. Supposedly it's a present for him, but it is also one of the best presents I could give myself. I also called Soup to wake her up on Christmas morning just before Erik and hearing her voice again for the second time in fourth months put the biggest smile on my face.

Christmas really began on Christmas Eve Morning though...

8:00am- Wake up and think "It's Christmas!" but try to fall back asleep
9:30am- After hitting snooze a few times and putting on Minnesota style layers of clothes, run out the door as my mom gives me four bananas and a doughnut, because I'm late to meet the group who was going to go sledding
12:00pm-Decide to go bowling (with Quin, Scott, NZ Steve, sorry I don't remember your name who just came back from three years in Brazil, Ange, and her Canada boyfriend) after already declining both sledding and ice skating due to hundreds of other people already participating in those activities
2:00pm-Eat shrimp mongolian barbeque for lunch, then sit in a bookstore and read some of Charles Dickens' short Christmas stories
5:00pm- take a picture of Seoul's busiest subway day that I have ever seen, then meet Yoo-gyung outside exit six of Gangnam station to go to Grace Chapel
6:00pm-Ater chatting with numerous friends of all ages apologetically probably making Yoo-gyung feel a little awkward because she didn't know anyone, the Christmas Program began.
10:00pm- Eat burritos for Christmas Eve dinner because this year I couldn't have green chili
11:00pm-On the way home from Church stop outside Lotte World where there are Christmas lights and places to take photos and sing christmas carols really loud.
11:30am- Return home to my house with Torie because she was spending the night

1:00am- Go to bed after watching part of Charlie's Angel's II (voiced over into Korean) with my host family. Also my family gave me a spoon holder for when I eat lunch at school and a pair of red reindeer antlers on a head band. I felt kind of bad because I didn't get them anything.
7:00am-turn alarm off and go back to bed
7:30am-turn alarm off and go back to bed
7:45am-get up, get dressed, turn on tv to see veggie tales christmas in Korean
9:00am-show up at pastor John's house and help him make breakfast for Torie and me: pancakes, bacon, eggs, pineapple, hot chocolate, whip cream, canadian maple syrup, raspberry jam, and cranberry juice
10:00am-show up late to church, miss the singing, but come right in time for pastor phillip's sermon
12:00pm-Go to coffee bean and tea leaf to enjoy a caramel latte, try to wake up and people watch out the window. Also talk about life with Torie. End up having a text message conversation with Robert after I see him walk into Starbucks.
2:30pm- Go to NHM chrismas party where there is turkey, dill pickles, peanut butter cookies and eggnog. Listen to pastor John's chrismas story
3:30pm-Go to Eugene's christmas party with Stemers, Bible study teachers and pastor phillip. Play board games like blonkus? and Rumi....with the chips and you have to get 30pts to start laying...
7:00pm-Go to Korean Christmas program at my host family's church
11:00pm- Call Soup. Talk for about an hour. At first she thought I was her aunt because I woke her up and she wasn't completely concious
11:50pm- Call Erik. Talk to him for the first time in four months. Just that would have been the best Christmas ever.

DAY AFTER (still Christmas in MN)
9:00am- wake up after 8hrs of sleep and try to write college essays unsuccessfully, so I call Zack and talk to him instead. I hadn't talked to him since my birthday. About the same with Soup.
10:00am- realize that my host parents bought food off the army base for Christmas. There is turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green beens, and cranberry sauce. I ate. I could not believe how amazing my host family was to buy this. Thank you sooooo much.
11:00am-call my Grandma Dee's house where I talk to my Uncle Darren for the first time in four months, my mom, sister, dad, brother, and grandma

Try calling Steph numerous times throughout the day, but I didn't know her cell number and she must have been at a relative's house or something.

The rest of the day wasn't really Christmas. But my Christmas as a whole was absolutely amazing.


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